Tables are Always Turning

Over the last few years, what I’ve noticed is the Universe has an astounding sense of humor. I sit and smirk as the stain of irony lingers in my mouth.

What I’ve seen is that any time I am shown the duality of my mind, as humbling as it is, I find the unveiling to always be in support of greater growth and evolution.

There is an art in breaking yourself down. There is a process in emptying yourself.

Regulating and neutralizing.

Every thought of “that could never be me” became me.

Every judgment, illuminated and in its place, a newfound sense of compassion has risen.

A while back, I was having a conversation with my sister and her husband and the thought that kept coming up was that the tables are always turning. The tables are always turning. The ants are the kings of their world. The who and what we overlook become gold in the absence of our attention. One day, you are in one position of life. The next day, you are not. Whatever is happening in your life right now, wherever you are…you will not be here forever. My questions are, who are we in the constant influx of change throughout the seasons? How consistent are we in the tsunamis and the flower fields of our own minds? What are we truly made of?

One season, you are sleeping on your friend’s couch with little to nothing to your name. The next season, that same friend might need somewhere to stay. One season, you are giving away every possession. Every slab of your heart. All slips through fingers. The next season, you receive more than you know what to do with. You accumulate. You build, knowing in the back of your mind it will one day dissolve. That’s the point. I’ve learned to pray in all phases of this life and for lives to come. Nothing is fixed. Nothing is promised. You will continue to morph ruthlessly. You will be shown the impermanence of all things. Even the ways you relate to yourself. Your inner experience looks nothing like it did years ago and there is beauty in acknowledging that.

All of this to say, you will find things in the spaces where you were not looking. Life will continue to jump out and surprise you. You will find love in peculiar places and never at the right time. Those you consider your enemies have jewels for you. Someone you thought could give you nothing gives you everything you didn’t know you needed. The least likely are the most likely. My heart knows the underdogs are the pioneers of the underground of patience—guardians of hidden treasure and I am always looking. All beings deserve the same kindness and respect of those we greatly admire.

We are all divinity, walking.

Even in the face of struggle—knowing this somehow gives me a sort of relief.

Tables are always turning.

Over and over again.

Tables are always turning.

All passes. All changes form. Your thoughts will pass. Your joy will pass. Your misery will pass.

You are the ant and the sky.

None of it is you and yet, all of it is.

Raquel Genae